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Our Discovery Mission

Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to discover and document all remaining Australian species of plants, animals, fungi and other organisms ... in a generation.


Part 4 - Roundtable wrap-ups

Below find wrap-up presentation for each of the ten roundtable topics as short (~10 minute) Powerpoint presentations by each of the table leaders.

Roundtable 1 - Field campaigns (Leader: Ben Parslow)

Roundtable 2 - Morphology (Leader: Gerry Cassis)

Roundtable 3 - DNA (Leader: Michelle Waycott)

Roundtable 4 - Phylogenetics (Leaders: Michelle Guzik & Darren Crayn)

Roundtable 5 - Informatics (Leader: Ely Wallis)

Roundtable 7 - Current Practices (Leader: Mark Harvey)

Roundtable 8 - Citizen science (Leader: Tom May)

Roundtable 9 - Workforce (Leaders: Andy Austin & Mike Bayly)

Roundtable 10 - Collections (Leader: Shelley James)

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