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Open-access, online, rapid taxonomy
ISSN: 2653-4649 (Online)

Australian Journal of 




Hibbertia advena (Dilleniaceae), a new and rare species from Queensland with transcontinental affinities

T.A. Hammer, H.R. Toelken, K.R. Thiele

Author details ⏷

T.A. Hammer [1*, 2], H.R. Toelken [2], K.R. Thiele [3]

[1] School of Biological Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005
[2] State Herbarium of South Australia, Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium, Hackney Road, Adelaide, South Australia 5000
[3] School of Biological Sciences, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley WA 6009


The new species Hibbertia advena T.Hammer & Toelken is described. It occurs in north-east Queensland but shares a strong morphological affinity with members of the H. exasperata (Steud.) Briq. species group, which are widespread in south-west Western Australia. This may be an example of a very wide transcontinental disjunction in Australian Hibbertia. The biogeographic significance of such disjunctions is briefly discussed, pending further insights when a more complete molecular phylogeny of the genus is generated.

Cite this paper as: Hammer TA, Toelken HR & Thiele KR (2022). Hibbertia advena (Dilleniaceae), a new and rare species from Queensland with transcontinental affinities. Australian Journal of Taxonomy 9: 1–5. doi:

This paper was published on: 16/11/2022





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