Australian Journal of

Open-access, online, rapid taxonomy
ISSN: 2653-4649 (Online)
About AJT
Unlike other taxonomic journals, Australian Journal of Taxonomy is fully online: papers are born-digital and born-online. They are authored on the Australian Journal of Taxonomy website, and all subsequent steps (peer-review, editing, typesetting and publication) take place online.
Australian Journal of Taxonomy has four core principles: it will publish freely available, high-quality taxonomy, in straightforward publications, without excessively burdensome requirements on authors, reviewers or readers.
Australian Journal of Taxonomy is a 'diamond open access' publication: that is, there are no charges for either authors or readers. Papers are published in pdf format and are freely available from the Taxonomy Australia website and the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
All papers are peer-reviewed and the publishing platform is compliant with relevant codes of nomenclature for animals and for algae, fungi and plants.
Australian Journal of Taxonomy is lightly styled and has relatively relaxed formatting requirements. Authors are advised to format references, synonymies, specimen citations etc. consistently within a paper, and reasonably with respect to best practice. Reviewers and editors will only require style corrections if these relaxed requirements are not met.
Content must be adequate but not excessive for the purpose of naming new taxa or dealing with their nomenclature. While Australian Journal of Taxonomy will not compromise on taxonomic quality or due diligence, authors, reviewers and editors are expected to apply common-sense standards to the taxonomic adequacy of the content of papers. Reviewers and editors will not demand excessive or unreasonable changes if the paper is taxonomically adequate for its group of organisms.
Contributors to Australian Journal of Taxonomy will be asked to register with Taxonomy Australia. This is important to ensure quality control and accountability.
Australian Journal of Taxonomy is a community journal, managed by Taxonomy Australia for and on behalf of the Australian taxonomic community. Contributors to Australian Journal of Taxonomy will also be expected to review papers published in it. All reviewing and editing contributions will be fully acknowledged on each paper.
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