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Systematics and biology of Eburnocauda gen. nov., a cave cricket from Australian granite pseudokarst (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae)
S. Iannello, P. G. Beasley-Hall
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S. Iannello[1], P. G. Beasley-Hall[2*]
[1] Australian Speleological Federation, Broadway, NSW, Australia
[2] School of Biological Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Cave crickets (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae) are a globally-distributed group of insects found in cool, dark habitats of high relative humidity. In Australia, eight genera are described and several are known only from cave environments, though a far greater diversity likely remains undiscovered both underground and in forest habitats. Here, we use molecular and morphological evidence to describe Eburnocauda saxatilis gen. et sp. nov. Beasley-Hall & Iannello from Britannia Creek Cave (BCC), a granite cave system found in Victorian wet sclerophyll forest. Eburnocauda saxatilis sp. nov. is sympatric with an undescribed species of Cavernotettix Richards, 1966 and males can be easily identified by their extremely elongate styli. BCC experiences periodic flooding and is accessible year-round to recreational caving groups, who often directly disturb cricket populations via accidental trampling. We consider these threats, paired with the extremely restricted known range of Eburnocauda saxatilis sp. nov., justification for this species to receive conservation listing. We discuss the phylogenetic placement of Eburnocauda gen. nov. and the conservation implications of its establishment as a new genus.
Cite this paper as: Iannello S & Beasley-Hall PG (2024). Systematics and biology of Eburnocauda gen. nov., a cave cricket from Australian granite pseudokarst (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae). Australian Journal of Taxonomy 73: 1–9. doi: https://doi.org/10.54102/ajt.pm9ob
This paper was published on: 28/10/2024