Our Discovery Mission
Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to discover and document all remaining Australian species of plants, animals, fungi and other organisms ... in a generation.
How on Earth are we going to do this?
Roundtable 5: What informatics structures, processes and programs do we need to support our mission?
Session 1
28 April 2020 at 11:30:00 pm
Ely Wallis
Taxonomy and informatics are no longer separable. Almost all traxonomists now use a wide range of informatics tools in their day-to-day work, including online taxonomic checklists and nomenclators such as are provided by ABRS, occurrence records in the ALA and GBIF, online repositories of type images and information, and online sequence repsoitories and analysis tools. This workshop will examine the informatics toolkit available to taxonomists and ask the questions:
What more do we need?
Are our exisitng tools comprehensive enough, and integrated enough?
What's the next big thing we need to be aware of (or perhaps build)?
29 people have registered for this session
keith maguire
Kym Abrams
University of Western Australia/ Dept of Water and Environmental Regulation
Katharina Nargar
Australian Tropical Herbarium & National Research Collections Australia, CSIRO