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Our Discovery Mission

Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to discover and document all remaining Australian species of plants, animals, fungi and other organisms ... in a generation.


How on Earth are we going to do this?


Roundtable 10: Collections

Session 2

1 May 2020 at 5:30:00 am

Shelley James


There will be many implications of an accelerated species discovery mission for biodiversity collections - think of all the extra specimens collected in the field, loans and exchanges, management of DNA vouchers, samples and sequences, and management of collection databases and information systems. This roundtable will explore these issues, including:

  • How will collections cope with a significantly expanded role and workload?

  • Could some aspects of current collections practices become more efficient? If so, which, and how?

  • What will a collection even look like in 20 years time?

48 people have registered for this session

Jo Palmer

Australian National Herbarium

Dan Murphy

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

Emma Toms

Australian National Herbarium

Lyn Cook

The University of Queensland

Mark Harvey

Western Australian Museum

Catherine Gallagher

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

Gill Brown

Queensland Herbarium

Bronwyn Collins

Australian National Herbarium

Joanne Birch

The University of Melbourne

Lalita Simpson

Australian tropical Herbarium

Andrew Young


Kirrily Moore

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

Madalene Giannotta

UofA, ANU, and ANIC

Kit Prendergast

Curtin University

Lisa Kirkendale

Western Australian Museum

Bryan Lessard


Ethan Briggs

The University of Queensland

Juanita Rodriguez

Australian National Insect Collection

Andrea Crowther

South Australian Museum

Helen Kennedy

University of New England

Darren Crayn

James Cook University

Owen Seeman

Queensland Museum

Ashley Field

Queensland Herbarium, Department of Environment and Science

Penelope Mills

The University of Queensland

Andreas Zwick

Australian National Insect Collection CSIRO

Caine Barlow

Margaret Brookes

The University of Melbourne

Mark Harvey

Western Australian Museum

Bevan Buirchell

Western Australian Herbarium

Andrew Thornhill

State Herbarium of South Australa/University of Adelaide

Ben Parslow

South Australian Museum

Duncan Farquhar

Beau Picking

The University of Melbourne

Braxton Jones

The University of Sydney

Kym Abrams

University of Western Australia/ Dept of Water and Environmental Regulation

Stephen Keable

Australian Museum

Alison Vaughan

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

Cathy Byrne

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

Mike Rix

Queensland Museum

Ely Wallis

Atlas of Living Australia (CSIRO)

Karl Magnacca

Bishop Museum

Ethan P. Beaver

South Australian Museum

Donald Hobern

International Barcode of Life Consortium

Nigel Fechner

Queensland Herbarium

Francesco Martoni

Agriculture Victoria Research - AgriBio

Gill Brown

Queensland Herbarium

Wayne Gebert

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

Katharina Nargar

Australian Tropical Herbarium & National Research Collections Australia, CSIRO

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