The Australian Taxonomy
Community Directory
Juliet Wege

I focus on naming and describing Western Australian plant species to inform their conservation. My research centres on the triggerplant family Stylidiaceae but I dabble in other plant groups in order to grow our knowledge of threatened, rare or poorly known species.

Juliet's work profile
Juliet works in the following sector(s): Collections Institution
Juliet's primary institution is: Western Australian Herbarium
Juliet's position is: Senior Research Scientist

Juliet's work in taxonomy
Juliet has the following roles: Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Editing publishing and reviewing
Juliet's skills are in Species delimitation, Phylogenetics, Classification, Nomenclature, Imaging
Juliet works on the taxonomy of Plants, Flowering Plants, Stylidiaceae, triggerplants, styleworts
Find out more about Juliet at:

Juliet is happy to be contacted for the following reasons:

Contact from others in the taxonomy community regarding taxonomy-related issues

Contact from members of the public for advice in areas of expertise (but not for identifications)

Contact from members of the public for identifications in areas of expertise