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The Australian Taxonomy

Community Directory

Kathryn Hall

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I began my career as a taxonomist by completing a PhD at The University of Queensland, specialising in the taxonomy and systematics of a family of parasitic worms in fishes (Digenea, Gyliauchenidae). I used a combined morphological and molecular approach to my studies, and have continued with an integrated approach to my work. After a short time at the Australian Museum, researching polychaete systematics using DNA data, I completed a post-doc in Japan, working on digenean and monogenean parasites from aquaculture fishes in Tokyo and wild reef fishes in Okinawa. Upon returning to Australia, I began working at the Queensland Museum, focusing on sponge taxonomy using DNA and SEM studies. I created the SpongeMaps website during my time employed at Queensland Museum. Ultimately, I would love to expand this platform to service other taxonomic groups and help unite taxonomic communities to share data. Nowadays, I am working in the eResearch space, focussing on imaging and analysis, but I remain active in matters taxonomic. I have skills in light microscopy, SEM, scientific illustration, DNA sequencing and analysis, and microbiome profiling.

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Kathryn's work profile

Kathryn works in the following sector(s): University, Collections Institution

Kathryn's primary institution is: The University of Queensland

Kathryn's position is: Training and Community Engagement Manager

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Kathryn's work in taxonomy 

Kathryn has the following roles: Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Collection Management, Information Management, Editing publishing and reviewing

Kathryn's skills are in Species delimitation, Phylogenetics, Classification, Biodiversity informatics, Nomenclature, Genetics & Genomics, Biogeography, Imaging, Other

Kathryn works on the taxonomy of Animals, Sponges, Flatworms,

Find out more about Kathryn at:

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Find out more about Kathryn at:

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Kathryn is happy to be contacted for the following reasons:


Contact from others in the taxonomy community regarding taxonomy-related issues


Contact from members of the public for advice in areas of expertise (but not for identifications)


Contact from members of the public for identifications in areas of expertise


Contact re potential citizen science projects that could contribute to taxonomic research


Contact by prospective students and others who could benefit from mentorship

Use the button below to contact Kathryn for one of the reasons above. Please don't make contact for any other reason.

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