The Australian Taxonomy
Community Directory
Wayne Gebert

Wayne studied his honours under Trevor Whiffin (LTB) and Marco Duretto (MEL), looking at Crowea exalata.
Wayne is now the Curator of Monocots at MEL and has been curating collections at MEL for over 20 years.
Wayne is also the Team Leader Collections Curation leading the Foreign Collections Project. This Project is databasing the large,mainly 19th Century, non-Australian Collection at MEL. The majority of this collection was purchased by Ferdinand von Mueller from Otto Sonder and contains many types and many duplicates from a wide variety of Herbaria.
You can access this data via the AVH website https://avh.chah.org.au/ and JSTOR Global Plants https://plants.jstor.org/advancedSearch
Current interest: Flowering water plants, Hydrocharitaceae et al.

Wayne's work profile
Wayne works in the following sector(s): Other government agency
Wayne's primary institution is: Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Wayne's position is: Team Leader Collections Curation and Curation Officer

Wayne's work in taxonomy
Wayne has the following roles: Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Collection Management, Information Management, Editing publishing and reviewing
Wayne's skills are in Other
Wayne works on the taxonomy of Plants, Flowering Plants, Rutaceae, Crowea. Monocotyledons.
Find out more about Wayne at:

Wayne is happy to be contacted for the following reasons:

Contact from others in the taxonomy community regarding taxonomy-related issues

Contact from members of the public for advice in areas of expertise (but not for identifications)

Contact from members of the public for identifications in areas of expertise

Contact re potential citizen science projects that could contribute to taxonomic research

Contact by prospective students and others who could benefit from mentorship
Use the button below to contact Wayne for one of the reasons above. Please don't make contact for any other reason.