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Australian Journal of 



Open-access, online, rapid taxonomy

Guidance for Editors

Thank you for agreeing to become a Subject Editor for Australian Journal of Taxonomy.

Your tasks as Subject Editor are to:

  • choose two reviewers for any papers assigned to you

  • communicate with the reviewers to invite them to review, and determine an adequate turn-around for their review

  • answer any questions the reviewers may have

  • remind reviewers if their review is not timely or completed by the agreed time. 

Once the reviews are completed, please:

  • assess the reviewer comments and make a determination as to whether the paper can proceed or should be rejected

  • add you own review and editorial comments (in effect, you will act as a third reviewer, dealing particularly with the adequacy of the language and content of a paper)

  • provide your determination back to the corresponding author

  • answer any questions the author(s) may have while editing their paper, and provide guidance as necessary.

Once the author has dealt with the reviewers' and your comments, suggestions and edits, please review the paper one last time to ensure that the author's responses are adequate. Once completed to your satisfaction, please ask the author to sign off on the paper moving to publication, and sign off yourself. The paper will now be out of your hands.

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